2004 SIgnature 270 twin v6 gxi alternators???


New member
Port alternator has a spade connector and a red wire that looks like it might have been connected to it?? connection port is labeled "P" Starboard alternator has a cap over the "p" port and a red wire near it taped off? I may have knocked off the port wire replacing a h2o hose but not sure. the female end of the spade connector looks like it was crimped and taped but if I align the 2 the cable/female/redwire end is too deep to slip on the male spade connector poking out of the alternator. Should I hook this wire up? Confused.
OK I just left the connector off like on the starboard engine. Started it up and everything seems to be fine. I'll keep you posted if that changes. thanks for the help here.
With the engine/s running. You should have around 14.5 volts. Engine off, around 13.6 volts. Give or take 0.1 to 0.2V