I'm having a problem with my Baja. It has a 454 (7.4L), normally runs perfect. It ran fine, then out of nowhere would not start. Checked and it is getting plenty of fire. Checked the carb and it's dry. Primed the carb with a little gas and she fired right up. Ran fine, I ran it for 1/2 hour, then it started up enough for us to get 100 yards from the dock then it died. Same problem. Primed the carb and it ran just fine.
I plan to change the water separator and the fuel filter, since those need replaced anyway and are the cheapest fix.
Have any of you heard of a fuel pump going out that would act that erratically? Any other ideas what might be wrong?
It has a Mechanical fuel pump. I talked with a part time marine mechanic he said he has never seen a fuel pump on a boat go bad.
Surprised me. But would a fuel pump that is going bad work once you prime the carb?
The boat is a 1989, so it's close to 20 yrs old. I have had it the past 10 years, and it has run perfect all that time, until now.
The 2nd time this happened we went about 15 miles. Stopped for dinner, so it sat an hour or so. Started it up to head back home, get about 100 yards from the dock just idling getting stuff arranged before taking her up, and plunk ...it just dies. I had not given it any gas, it was idling fine and sputtered and died. I was able to get it started for 2 seconds but then it would die again, even with me pumpiing the throttle.
The more I type about it the more I'm afraid it's the fuel pump that is a bear to get to (ofcourse). Baja did not consider the mechanic when it put this boat together (force 235).
Fred mentioned a birds nest or blocked vent on FF when I posted this question ...and I've checked all that. Vent is clear.