Tansom Height and Engine Selection


New member
I am in the market for a new jon boat for fishing and duck hunting. I am really interested in the new Excels. My question is what is everyone ones opinoin on transom height is short or tall transom better and why? Also Have been looking at these Jet Outboards and havent really heard much about them are they worth the extra money or is the standard outboard the way to go? I have also looked into the mud buddys but not sure if they are affordable right now.
Good questions but I'm not the one that would know. I'll hope someone comes along shortly who can offer up some insights on this.
I am taking a guess here - guys with short outboard drives need a lower transom, and guys with long need a higher transom. Since the engine is in the way of everything back there, I like more freeboard, thus, a higher transom. Sux having water gush in the back when you stop suddenly.