Please donate in support of NBT


Liquid Addiction
Staff member
Hey guys and gals, it's that time again. Here I am with hat in hand.

This is the one time each year I ask for help with forum costs.

If you enjoy the forums and can afford to donate to help with forum expenses I would sure appreciate your show of support.

Please Consider Donating

I did not buy any new trinkets to give away this year. I do still have some of the pen knives and bottle openers left and will be happy to send out, just say the word.

Please Consider Donating,


Site Supporters groups are as follows:

GOLD Site Supporter $100 a year. (8.34 per month or .28 cents a day.)

Super Site Supporter $50 a year. (4.17 per month or .14 cents a day.)

Site Supporter: $20 a year ( 1.67 per month or .05 cents a day)

To make a donation via paypal go to: DotHQ

or save me the paypal fees by using US mail and sending to me at:


A big THANKS to all for your support!!!!! :tiphat:

Pic with Knives and Bottle Openers for give away. Just include your mailing address with your donation. :tiphat:
Maybe a lot of you missed this. Or else we are in a bit of a jam.
Only one member has stepped up to help support our forums.
Last year only one member stepped up in support of our forums.
We've grown a good bit and I thought / hoped more would see the value of NBT and enjoy what the comradery has to offer. We make new friends. We get answers to questions. We learn of how others boat and we share ideas.

We are small. Not big enough to attract advertisers so I hope for support from our members as we grow. Without that support we are sinking. I have no problem putting in the time to keep spam off the forums and to help members when they need assistance. But to do that and foot the bill for all the forum costs is unreasonable. I thank the one member who stepped up and supported the forum this year and have hopes more of you will do the same. Please.