Hello All, New member from the other site


I ventured over from the Chap Site... too much spam...
I picked a name for my boat, "Thumb's Up" . It's docked at the tip of the thumb on Lake Huron.
We are in a Marina Campground called Beadle Bay Marina. Having a great summer with my boating friends!
Leaving Saturday for Les Chennoux Islands up in Michigan's UP. Trailering the boat across the mighty Mac Bridge.
Happy Boating everybody! Randy
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Hi Randy. Welcome to Net Boat Talk. Thrilled to have ya jump over here.
I love Lake Huron. Never boated on it but did a trip up the Canadian side a few years ago. The water is so clear and beautiful overall.
I bought one of my boat up near the Mighty Mac. It was one hour south of the Macinac Bridge. I had to drive up and cross the bridge, spend the night then drove the bridge again the next day. Beautiful where the three Great Lake come together. Rough to boat but so pretty.

I promise to take care of the spam. All you got to do is post and post some more. We are quiet at times but we'll get there with a little help from our friends. :D
Hey Doc.

Thanks so much for your reply! I'm excited to be on this site. Let's make it great!

Happy Boating ! Randy


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call to complain

  • Phone. (229) 686-7481. Company Description. Chaparral Boats, Inc. is located in Nashville, GA, United States and is part of the Boat Building Industry. Chaparral Boats, Inc. has 300 total employees across all of its locations and generates $99.95 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled).
Chaparral Boats, Inc. Company Profile | Nashville, GA ...
I've thought about calling in but I wonder if they are facing the same thing as many other businesses are. Either layoffs or shortage of employees or a disruption of the "assembly line." Maybe they are in a position that requires them to focus what employees they do have on manufacturing boats instead of an employee being taken out of the "assembly line" to clean up their forum.

If you had to make a choice, which would you choose? Clean up the forum or build a boat? Either way, its sad to see the destruction of a good forum. It also makes me wonder, don't these idiot spammers have anything else to do?
I contacted them and offered to run their website and asked them to contact me. Can't hurt to ask.
'mad house"?
Well one of my other forums is truly a mad house with political debate. I got in the habit of calling forums, any forum a mad house. No slam intended to any of our members. Just joking around.
I made it over from the Chap site on the life raft, the ships just about fully under now. This is looking like a much better forum than what we had and am looking forward to it. J.K.
I made it over from the Chap site on the life raft, the ships just about fully under now. This is looking like a much better forum than what we had and am looking forward to it. J.K.
Welcome aboard. :tiphat: Enjoy and post often. :thumb: