Float Tube fishing?


New member
I hope this is the proper place to post this.

Do any of you ever float tube fish? I know a bunch of guys who have float tubes and fish from them. I was talking to one today who was telling about the turtles that were chasing him all around the pond at a golf course.
25 years ago I fished out of one all of the time. Very good exercise!! Tons of fun, I still have the old tube but it hasn't been wet for many moons. A 4lb. bass will give you a pretty good ride when you hook one, they can spin you around.
I've never tried one but I've seen them used from time to time around here. Some of the long distance highway truck drivers often stop at the bridges near town while passing through and use them to fish from.

Actually, a few years ago, I was on the lake approaching a bridge when I noticed something bobbing around in the water ahead of me. As I got closer, I realized it was someone fishing from a tube. This is on a lake, not a river.
I have never personally tried it, but many in my family have. We have vacationed at Lake Cumberland and Lake Norris and pretty much have an entire cove to ourselves. I think it would be relaxing and you can get to all areas of the cove that would otherwise be difficult to get to. I would think the convenience of having the bathroom with you where ever you go would be a plus too! :)