An usual project with concrete


Well-known member
When my boat/trailer is parked at my house, and to make room for other movements, I have the starboard side of the trailer wheels sitting on an old railroad tie. This tie is also used to make the boat sit level. The tie is from the former West Shore RR from long ago. The tie is around 50 years old. Last year it finally collapsed under the boats weight. Trying to find a new tie has proven difficult especially with NYS environmental regulations concerning rr ties.

So I thought I'd make my own tie out of concrete. I would basically use the dimensions of the existing tie and pour concrete into a form. But, I don't think this will hold the weight of the boat without assistance of rebar. How do I know what size or how to place it in the form? I estimate that the total weight on the starboard side is 3000lbs. 1500lbs/wheel.

I poured a pad for my generator with quick crete 4" thick. It has held up now for 10 years no issues.

For your application I think the deeper you make it the more weight it can hold. RR ties are about 6 inches. If you poured 6 inche thick I doubt you'd have any issues. No rebar needed.

Another option might be fill the area a bit and top it off with a couple 4x4's. They could easily replace the RR tie.

Good lueck
The wood would probably be easier to deal with. The other little quirk is that it would be sitting on the other side of the property line. As it is now, the owner doesn't mind that the boat is a couple of feet over the line. The concrete tie might change his mind as it is more permanent and more difficult to remove if requested.

I have a small "sub-hobby" with railroads. I built a very small full scale track in my backyard. With the railroads switching to concrete I was kinda hoping to keep a little authenticity. But maybe I'd be generating more of a problem than I'm trying to solve.

Here is a picture of the small full scale track [notice the date]:


  • 09 rails-time stamp.JPG
    09 rails-time stamp.JPG
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