Zincs for 350 signature V-Drive (Salt Water)


New member
Greetings, does anyone know which zincs are required for the 2003 350? I know that they need replacing, just don't yet know which types/sizes will be required. Anyone have the details?
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Sorry I do not know the answer but this might help:

From the link:

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Most likely you need the AL ones. Go to BoatZincs.com Bob over there is very helpful!
And make sure you have the correct amount of them. Protect everything. On the 28 Coasatal I take care of there are 2 on each shaft, 4 inch on the rudders and 3 inch on the trim planes and a underwatwer bonding plate was also installed. If a twin, make sure both motors are bonded together. Dont rely on the neg battery connections that are also supposed to be bonded together
No issues with any corrosion anywhere
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And make sure you have the correct amount of them. Protect everything. On the 28 Coasatal I take care of there are 2 on each shaft, 4 inch on the rudders and 3 inch on the trim planes and a underwatwer bonding plate was also installed. If a twin, make sure both motors are bonded together. Dont rely on the neg batteryconnections that are also supposed to be bonded together
No issues with any corrosion anywhere
This is very helpful, thanks.
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