Labor Day 2022 weather


Liquid Addiction
Staff member
I hope your weather is better than mine.
Had a fun boating day yesterday (Friday) thankfully. Sunny and nice all day. But labor day weekend weather is the worst I can remember. Saturday has been cool cloudy with an hour and a half of drizzle to semi hard rain. Tomorrow much the same predicted and Monday nothing but rain according to our forecast. So we pulled the boat out. Sad but no more boating this weekend.
How's your weather? Hope it's better than mine. Happy Boating.
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I was out yesterday [Saturday] and tossed the anchor for a couple of hours. Lake Erie was kinda wavey with rolling waves instead of the usual chop. It was sunny, hot and humid. But knowing the weather was going to drop, I decided to pull the boat out of the water and tend to a few things. The gelcoat is taking a beating this year so I will apply some lite compounding and wax. Fix the carpet in the cuddy and a few other little things.

I was at a restaurant last night along the Erie Canal and I felt guilty for not coming by boat while there were many boats tied up along side. I had to keep saying to myself, "It's only out for a few days, it's not the end of the season yet."
I started watching the weather last week-end and Labor Day week-end was supposed to be perfect. Low 80's, 5-6%rain all 3 days, and sunshine.
As the week went on it started to deteriorate. Ended up Saturday was going to be the only perfect day, and it was. I had planed it, so I went, and had a great time. I logged 2.3 hrs. Had lunch Saturday afternoon while at drift on Lake St. Clair. Watched a movie that night after grilling some Hamburg's on my George Forman Grill. Woke up the next morning to over cast and drizzle, with some in and out light rain throughout the day.
Which was ok, I had a couple of projects and some inside house (boat) cleaning to keep me busy. Rain stopped early that evening. got up Monday, all the cells had moved out, just over cast skies. Took down my 2 day shelter and got ready to run 1 of the channels. Logged 2.2 hrs going back, it still was perfect, even without the sunshine. Plus I got to meet a lot of nice people that had I not gone, I may never have met. And I found a great marina to stay at that is located at the mouth of the Ecarte Channel. And I got to make some great (new) memories.

P.S. The drive from where I keep my girl is 1:45 min. each way, I treat that as part of the adventure also. Always give her a good bath before we hit the road.

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No way in hell you will catch me on the lake over Labor Day- Wake Boats SUCK.... My season starts in 3 week after I get back from a visit with the kids in Bellingham...
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That is one of the reasons that I go to Canada, they do not celebrate Labor Day Week-end. And where I go there is no one there.
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No way in hell you will catch me on the lake over Labor Day- Wake Boats SUCK.... My season starts in 3 week after I get back from a visit with the kids in Bellingham...
Enjoy your trip, be safe. Happy boating when you get back.