Irene Childs is a Bitch

Warned by cops not to contact Irene directly so ..... I'll put it here.

This is for Irene. You accused me of bitching and complaining and you wave your arm in the direction of the furniture in the living room. I stated 2 years ago how dusty the condo was and you were supposed to report back to Elliott Rentals. Did you? We all were infected with Covid that stay as well so it’s very apparent the place was dirty. Please check the appropriate space: Bitching————— Complaining———-

The Bahama Sands: I was not the only one who stated how hard the door was to open into the balcony. EVERYONE stated how hard it was to open. I did try to clean the track but it didn’t work. I had surgery on my finger yet that doesn’t seem to impact your decision to bash me. I, at least, read the reviews and contacted you to see if you had read them. No, you had not. Please check the appropriate space: Bitching———— Complaining————

Steve’s comforter had dried blood on it and you brushed it off like it was melted chocolate! With way, comforters should be clean. Why did you bring your own bed linens? You knew that the four of us would be available and willing to head down earlier than the stay at the Atlantis Villas. YOU were the one who wanted to go earlier and used the 4 of us to get what YOU wanted! I heard that I got the blame for calling Elliott for another comforter! It wasn’t me.

You should have asked me instead of assuming, it just makes an ass out of you! Jen was the one who called! Ask your fucking cousin! The one who doesn’t bring alcohol yet wants to drink others!

When we pulled into the parking garage for the Villas everyone was standing as far away from us as possible. What had you told them? I can only imagine. NOT ONCE DID I BITCH OR COMPLAIN The first evening there people were trying to get onto the wi-fi. YOU should have told everyone what the password was. I gave it to Steve and when I came downstairs into the kitchen you yell at me that YOU’RE DONE! WTF! I hadn’t done anything! Your intentions from the beginning was to make our stay as short as possible.


George. How dare him call Greg a liar! How in the fuck does he know that we’ve ever unlocked the door before? The directions you gave were not correct so George is sent to open the door. We did not ask for him to come. We were going somewhere else. Especially when we weren’t invited to come to where you were. More proof that the odds were against us! And his stories get old! We’ve all heard them before! Including the story about how you met. What kind of decent woman barges into a man’s bedroom?! You’re the whore there!

Then George gets mad and makes rude comments that he’ll speak when people shut up! Who made him the GREAT ORATOR?

It’s my vacation as has been pointed out and if I choose not to listen it’s not up to him to get mad! I’m frequently talked over and don’t get mad or angry or upset.

George got his nose out of shape because Greg parked in his normal spot last year and made it abundantly clear this year that it’s his spot! Why didn’t he speak to us last year?

He coughs and hacks into a tissue then grabs food from the refrigerator without washing his hands! Disgusting! He shuffles his feet instead of picking them up! For these two items I will call it complaining not bitching!

When you found out that we weren’t going this year because of Bruce and Cheryl we got the cold shoulder. Then you filled Marcia Goodnight in because she came in that evening. We knew that we were probably not ever going to be asked again. Then lo and behold a room became available! As gullible people we accepted. Never in a million years would I have thought we would be treated the way we were! How much of this fiasco was planned? Are you a Christian? I doubt it. Karma will come knocking on your doorstep. I hope you’re prepared for the day of reckoning!
