New Chaparral Boat Owners Forum


Liquid Addiction
Staff member
First post in this new forum ....Welcome all our new Chaparral owners to Net Boat Talk!!!! :beer:
Doc, have sent the site in pvt messagesso the spammers dont bombard you. I can release in a post there if you like but dont want the spammers to wage war here and destroy this site like the Chap site
I have a spam filter that catches a lot of them. If that misses then I ban them, no problem. The Xen software deserves a lot of the credit for making spammers a thing of the past. So feel free to put it in the open if you won't get in trouble with the site owner. Thanks. :tiphat:
just wanted to check first.
just to confirm I`m still a Mod here?
If yes i might need a refresher course
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Reactions: Doc
Good to have another option! Thanks for doing this. :)
you are very welcome. I'm tickled to see y'all come on over. We will all learn from each other. We can share boating pics and talk about boating to help us get through this winter season.
Wilderness boating at it’s best...


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